Not the best pic.....looks a little washed out.....will try for a better one later.......I had to wait for Mark to come over and I was lucky he held it up for as long as he did...LOL....Note my little helper on the lounge in the background!
1st SAL.....Peg, Dale and I committed to stitching Anni Downs - A Gardener's Journal in March. I blogged about this on my blog thinking maybe one or 2 others may join us and lots of girls indicated an interest so I decided to start this blog where we can all encourage each other to meet the goals set along the way....March 2010 -March 2011...........
2nd SAL ......well so many of the girls wanted to continue on with another project and some new girls joined us and now approx 91 girls are stitching Natalie Bird's Tis the Season. March to Sept 2011...............
3rd SAL....many girls want to stick with the SAL so now we have moved onto Anni Downs Some Kind of Wonderful - My Favourite Things Quilt.......Oct 2011-Oct 2012.........
Where are we now.....
4th SAL numerous smaller projects from the previous 2 books Tis the Season and Some Kind of Wonderful plus some projects from Red Home by Natalie Bird approx 60 ladies stitching together.........
2014 we had the year off..............
5th SAL 2015..........inspired to continue we are doing another quilt project.....Anni Downs newest quilt Natures Journey.....
6th SAL 2017.............A Holly Cottage Christmas by Michelle Ridgway.......once again the pattern is in an affordable book so it is easy for everyone to join in...........and you can raid your stash for the fabrics........or lash out and buy a the whole lot........this SAL will be run by Fiona aka Bubz Rugz and Raewyn........
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Borders on at last!
I have had the top finished for a while......had pink picked out for the borders but it made the quilt 'too pink' had to order some green - it arrived on Friday so the borders are on and now I need to quilt this space...!
Stitcheries are
all finished.
I managed to get Decembers blocks stitch today as it was dull and raining here
my plan of attack this week is to piece the 2 remaining blocks (Nov & Dec)
sew the top together and drop it off to be quilted.
and after the week I have had I can tell you its a big achievement for me :)
I managed to get Decembers blocks stitch today as it was dull and raining here
my plan of attack this week is to piece the 2 remaining blocks (Nov & Dec)
sew the top together and drop it off to be quilted.
and after the week I have had I can tell you its a big achievement for me :)
Give me an E!
October Greetings from Finland
It was close...
but I pieced the block B -
- Yesterday!!!!!
So there was plenty of October still left;)
It's exciting to piece the blocks together... notice how well or bad all pieces fit together...
because of that...
I'm planning to stitch the block E in November and the block I in December.
memorable moments with your GJ!!!

So there was plenty of October still left;)
It's exciting to piece the blocks together... notice how well or bad all pieces fit together...
because of that...
I'm planning to stitch the block E in November and the block I in December.
memorable moments with your GJ!!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Chookyblue's block B......
Dragging the chain but I have had this one sort of finished for ages it was down to 3 pieces but not together........I was uuuummming and aaaarrring about the hearts.............they aren't me......I loved Suzitee's butterflies..........I was going to do another stitchery in the block and I still might but I am going to get the rest of the quilt done and see what I decide then if this patch is too big of one colour......
.....this lady with her flowers is my favourite block........
How is everyone else going with there blocks????
Catch you later..............
Friday, October 29, 2010
Does it look like Grandad's?

This is my mower. The handle is bit wonky. I was not careful enough when tracing it out. I think Grandad's 50 + year old mower is in far better state than mine. ;-)

I have managed to keep stitching and I now have only 3 and a half left to do. Unfortunately they are not the small ones. Still once they are done, it won't take long to do up the blocks.
It has been great seeing everyone's work.
Keep up the good work.
Block B is finished! :0)
It seems like I've been working on these Gardener's Journal blocks for a long time. But I'm definitely making progress! I have another block done, and before the end of the month too! This is block B, and then you can see all the blocks I've done so far sewn together. Only two more blocks to go and I can add borders! :0)

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hello Block A!
It is with much excitement that I show you...
...the last of my catch-up blocks! This is Block A, which according to the "plan of attack" was to be completed in May (which is before I joined this happy little group LOL)
My stash of pre-cut squares for this quilt is growing smaller and smaller...which means that the end is getting closer and closer!

I've had some computer issues in the last internet at I'm looking forward to seeing where you're all up to!
Happy stitching
Susan (aka Suzitee)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hello .... back again ....
Monday, October 25, 2010
Finally...Block A!!! name is Dzintra (aka Ingrid) and after much umming...and ahhing I have finally joined this fabulous group of Stitchers...with heaps of encouragement lately from Dawnie!!!
These are fabrics I have been gathering for this quilt...some of them have been purchased at Anni's and I thought it very fitting that I use them in this quilt!!! I first met Anni when we lived in Bathurst...we were sitting in Geo's (my good friend) lounge room stitching and one of her friends was there...she just happened to be Anni Downs!!!
We were stitching away and Anni mentioned that she was opening a shop next week...and the rest is history!!!
I have always loved Anni's quirky style and her delicious choice of warm country I will try to keep along those same muted tones!!!
I will be using Anni's recommended thread colours!!!
Block A traced...have started tonight...let's see how far I get!!!
I hope I can keep the momentum going...Dzintra♥
Starting Today
You might not know,but on Oct.31 we change our time.
Lots of people do all over. This means on Monday when working week starts,we will have to jump :-) out of bed 1 hour earlier than the day before.
Well,my SAL-friends I have started already. It means I have this 1 hour extra. Understand? The hour then from 5am to 6am is in this week my private sewing time. I try to keep the plan of ATTACK and thinking about you all!!!
The stitchery there suits the frosty grass outside. And please don`t mention the "mistake". I just noticed it!!! The lovely little birds and the tree belongs to November block. Piece of cake I`m sure quickly to stitch the lawn mower,gosh is it? Drawing tonight - stitching tomorrow,so please be thinking of me then at 5am!
Did I really forget rule one: Always read the pattern first.....
Glad to see so many lovely blocks,I feel like it keeps me going. And as I said to somebody we are in fact lucky to have Chookyblue "watching over us" :-) Thanking you, I`ll be back,.... maybe on coming Sunday.
new stitcher......
Dzintra has joined out SAL blog so make her welcome.............she is starting to stitch her first stitchery tonight and isn't scared by the fact we are on the downhill run for the Gardener's Journal..........
Friday, October 22, 2010
HERE I AM AGAIN - with my block B
I have been to Spain from the beginning of this month and back home I am happy to show you my E-block in due time.
I will make me a cup of tea and have a careful look at all your posts since I did that last time.
I have scrolled down the pages and have seen a lot of very nice blocks.
There are now only 2 more blocks to go and that gives me a strange feeling.
What to do with the dear book, when all the stitcheries are done and the quilt finished?
Have a pleasant weekend.
October's Block B
So glad I was organised this month and made this block earlier on in the month. Not sure I am happy with some of my little wonky squares but I have decided that is part of the charm of this quilt!
The Pressure is on
To get this finished in 4 weeks. I have just booked it in to be quilted :) so happy I
only have 3.5 blocks left to stitch.
I finally have pieced September and Octobers blocks and joined them to their partners.
Block B
Block F
So close to finishing I am starting to get excited.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
it seems it doesn't take much to sidetrack me at the moment lol.
I am back on track again.
I have September and October's blocks done I just need to piece them, which is tomorrows plan.
Novembers blocks are traced and ready for me to start stitching tomorrow night
who knows maybe I will get Decembers blocks stitched before the end of the month too.
I'll be back tomorrow with my pieced blocks.
Its getting exciting to be so close to finishing.
I am back on track again.
I have September and October's blocks done I just need to piece them, which is tomorrows plan.
Novembers blocks are traced and ready for me to start stitching tomorrow night
who knows maybe I will get Decembers blocks stitched before the end of the month too.
I'll be back tomorrow with my pieced blocks.
Its getting exciting to be so close to finishing.
Block D and H
I have finally been able to post, with life's little happenings and computer problems
here are my Blocks D & H
(Excuse the bad photos, my puta is getting fixed)
Happy Stitching!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Hi girls
just finished updating the sidebar and commented on the last 16 have been busy esp Yvette (3 blocks) who now has her blocks together and is shopping for a border.........
And Suzitee is on fire and finished 2 blocks
On the weekend I was lucky enough to see Dale's finished quilt so I will get onto her to take a photo and show us..........very exciting...........
Andrea how are you going with the Margaret's quilt.........did you get it finished in the school holidays???
promise i'll show some progress soon..........
It is so exciting seeing you start to join some blocks together............
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Almost caught up!
I'm getting a bit's only the 12th of October, and I've just put the last stitches in October's Block B! Woohoooooooo!
This leaves the rest of the month for me to stitch Block A, and for the very first all caught up! Again...wooohoooooo!
I love this little push Dad used to have one of these :) Then there's the other block...
...I changed the hearts to butterflies :) The appliqued hearts felt a little...out of place? I traced the butterflies onto the vliesofix using an old scrapbooking template.
Monday, October 11, 2010
you might want to sack me..........
For those girls who have done some posts in the last week or 2 I will catch up the sidebar hopefully tomorrow has been crazy busy and then it stopped as below for a few days...........I got some good stitching done on my GJ see the progress on the table.........working on numerous blocks........
Keep up the great stitching........
Block I and Top Together
I was able to get the last block together today and added it to the rest. I cut my tree a little too much on the left so let's pretend the wind is blowing in my garden. :)
I still have to decide on border fabric. I may get a nice solid and place a 1" border before adding a scrappy wider border with all my leftover fabrics. Looks like a shopping trip is on the agenda soon.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Block C
Friday, October 8, 2010
W.I.P. from Portugal;)
Lately I only do the stitch of my "Gardener's Journal". I'm waiting for Santa Claus to bring me a Bernina, to do the patchwork!! Until then I will continue to embroider.
I 'm super excited when I see all these beautiful works and it motivates me to continue. Congratulations to all for the gorgeous, wonderful..... (I don't have words to describe!!!) stitch and patch I saw here.
I've already beginning with the preparation for Christmas that it takes much of my time because my lovely family is very big. But I 'm happy spending my time to do things that I like to those I love :))
Slowly......... but I will get there! Take a look...
I've already beginning with the preparation for Christmas that it takes much of my time because my lovely family is very big. But I 'm happy spending my time to do things that I like to those I love :))
Slowly......... but I will get there! Take a look...
..."vegetable patch"!!!!
..."Row of flowers" !!!
I didn't stitch yet anything:((
Catch you latter;)
Happy stitching:))
Oh my, I am so far behind. I have not yet finished the stitcheries for September. This weekend is Thanksgiving and hopefully I will have some time to stitch. Love seeing everyone's work and progress. It helps us keep going on with this beautiful quilt!
Leaskdale, Ontario, Canada
Leaskdale, Ontario, Canada
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Love seeing all the finished blocks!
Just popping in to say what wonderful work you have all been doing on your stitcheries and blocks!!
I have been away for a week to Adelaide and it was great when I came back to see what you have all been achieving.
I am still plodding away on the house stitchery LOL but it WILL get done!
Anita (Sydney)
I have been away for a week to Adelaide and it was great when I came back to see what you have all been achieving.
I am still plodding away on the house stitchery LOL but it WILL get done!
Anita (Sydney)
Another block bites the dust.
Don't worry Grethe I'm doing a bit of a show off too, its nice to see the blocks together and it helps with motivation as does this group, it will be sad when we are finished though maybe we should do another project then. lol My piccie isn't very good but you get the idea.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
..... PLAN OF ATTACK .....
Hello again, I really could not resist showing you! I took the picture from the veranda upstairs,the blocks there on the patio. The picture was just going
to be my own. But then I thought we are all in the same "boat".
Easy Peasy just to fill in the gap for the next 3 (or some more?) months to come ..... !!!
Happy Stitching and Happy Quilting to all friends in SAL :-)
Have a nice weekend,from Grethe.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Only a little late....block F
Thought I had best put this block together today as it is already October! Being away for 5 weeks in August and part of September makes you feel like the months have just flown by! I have now completed all the stitching and just need to keep up with the piecing. Here is block F. There was a lot of piecing in this big block.
I have also joined the two blocks together. Sorry the photos are a little fuzzy.
I have also joined the two blocks together. Sorry the photos are a little fuzzy.
Sylvia (in Canberra, Australia)
Just in time
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