Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Home Sweet home finished...pheeewww!
Stopping Now ......
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
SKoW Lift Off!!!!
After much debate, I have narrowed my fabric choice down to these:
I am lucky enough to work at Cobar Quilt Shop a couple of days a week. We have these Nancy Holvorsen fabrics, "Forever Spring" - my family gave me these for my birthday this year;). Perfect for the Some Kind of Wonderful quilt! I also have selected these from my "stash" and purchased a few new ones for the beige tones-background fabrics... I go! With maybe a few changes here and there as I find new fabrics... I am sick of reading about needle turn techniques, I think I have read every internet entry on the subject! Just going to wing it, maybe try a couple of different ones and see what I like best. I plan on changing a couple of the blocks a bit...making them a bit more relevent to me...Question: is changing the "old blue jeans" to "comfy trackie daks" daggy? lol...Please tell me what you think. I am on the SAL side bar Suze ( adopted by Kate ). Thankyou Kate for adopting me.. and Chookyblue for letting her!!!
Catch you later....Suze....
Finished at last
Monday, November 28, 2011
My dear friend Dawn has surprised me with a copy of the "SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL" for my birthday and I cant thank her enough for this generous gift. I have been drooling over the book every day just waiting to start, but I must finish the placemats first. Cheers for now Jude from judesstuff.
Singing in the Rain Finished
Still Stitching....
Tis finally finished !!!!!!!!
which held works up a little. But it's finally done. I am sooooooooooooo happy to have started this and finished in the same year. Quite amazing.
So a BIG thank you to Chooky for organising the stitch-a-long and the whip cracking OUCH motivation.
I quilted stars in the final border and mistletoe in the narrow border.
This held me up as I had a bit of trouble with quilting around the stitchery blocks
it was turning out uneven and pulled even while using a walking foot!!!!!
So much nasty reverse sewing for the Perfectionist.
although not a very justifiable photo.
Thanks for the journey and while I am not taking part in the SKofW stitch a long
as I have toooooooooooooooo many UFOs to get finished I wish you
all heaps of fun with and maybe when the next stitch a long is here
I will join in then.
Take care and bye for now from Liz
Sunday, November 27, 2011
and a Drink ..........
(I think this almost takes me to the end of the February commitment so I really do need to slow down a little on this but I am having so much fun with it)
Finally I can get started!

Whew, what a month.
I'm replacing the cherries with wool- I'm not happy with the little corners! It's not sewn down or embroidered yet- I'm thankful we have until the end of december!!! I'm on my clinical placement at the moment for my nursing degree so not much is getting sewn- two weeks left then I can sew sew sew to my hearts content! See you soon!
P.S. Thanks Chookyblue!!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
One more ...... Ice Cream
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Holidays and Patty Cakes .....
a productive day
my first 5 blocks ready for stitching |
New member - Some Kind of Wonderful!
I have been viewing all of the great work posted so far and I must say they truly are "wonderful". This will be my first attempt at needle turn and I must say am looking forward to the challenges ahead.
Until next time . . . Suzi
Sarah Fielke DVD
Several of you mentioned the Sarah Fielke DVD. Did this come with a magazine or can it be purchased?
Finally found my fabric
my favourite thing fabric |
I am now going to copy them onto the fabric and start stitching.
Sue S
Leaskdale, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A few of my favourite things...
I'm taking the easy option and going with blanket stitch. Learning a new technique takes more time than what I have to spare at the moment, and I really really really love the texture of blanket stitch :)
A cute little strawberry teacup...I DO love my tea !
Some polka-dotty blue jeans...probably a couple of sizes too small for me, by the looks of them :)
A suitcase all ready to head off on a nice would that be right now? I've stitched my "bloggy name" on my luggage tag, because most of you know me as Suzitee :)
I guess this means I have to put this project away for a little while now...which is probably not a bad thing, because I've had lots of trouble putting it aside to do other things.
In other news, my Gardeners Journal quilt has FINALLY arrived back from the quilters (it's been there since Christmas last year!!!) so hopefully I'll be able to share the finished quilt with you soon. I'll be so excited to finally cross that one of my to-do list!
Susan (aka suzitee)
Hi Everyone,
I'm back to do the SKoW quilt with you all. I did the GJ one, but did not continue with TTS. I did however keep an eye on the blog so I was able to see all the lovely variations.
Lynda and I have worked out this 'e-mail to blog' thing. If you're reading this it means it worked! I'm sharing an entry place with her, so Chooky can get as many of us on here as possible.
I had a lot of fun stash searching to get my fabric. I wanted to buy as little as possible. I didn't have enough creams and beiges or something suitable for the jeans, so I let myself shop for those.
I have been carefully watching this DVD while I sew and reading the Thimblelady's applique book.
The only needle turn I have done previously was another Anni Downs project that we did in Nundle this year and it only had a small bit of applique. This quilt is a challenge then.
First block is done and the umbrella is coming along. Curves hmmmmmm!
This is going to be fun.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Another Finish - TIS - This one by "SUZIE"
Out of Curiosity....
Monday, November 21, 2011
Welcome to my pity party!
...starting with the teacup. I had started sewing it on but then stopped as I'm not happy with the handle, and I REALLY need to change that brown fabric!
...then the jeans. I really do love, love, love these jeans, but.... For all of the background I am using the cream fabric from my Fat Quarter Shop BOM as it also Moda so the weave is the same, and because I have run out of funds to purchase any more material (boo hoo!). But I don't have any pieces big enough for the jeans block. Can you tell me if it is okay to have the fabric facing different directions? I mean will it pull in a different direction and be obvious? Does that make sense?
...then the umbrella. It was the first piece I made, then once I had done the cup and the cupcakes I realised there was too much red in that corner. So I then made another one using different fabric, only I didn't pay enough attention to the pattern, and now I dont' like the blob of white on one side. So I have to make another one!
...finally the cupcakes. I am happy with this block (what a relief you say!). The cakes are sewn on apart from the cherries ..I have to redo them as they have little points all over them. But I started on the backstitch last night, and I just can't make it look good. I chucked it down in disgust and that is where I left it.
So there you go. I'm feeling a little sorry for myself but I'm sure most of it is because of lack of sleep and lack of time. This will only improve now that Little Miss is on antibiotics, and I will be back to my old self and loving every minute of this project. Apart from the backstitch....grrrrh!!!!
By the way here is a photo of the fabric I'm using. It's Sophie by Moda. I really love it.
Back later
Helen B