This is my mower. The handle is bit wonky. I was not careful enough when tracing it out. I think Grandad's 50 + year old mower is in far better state than mine. ;-)

I have managed to keep stitching and I now have only 3 and a half left to do. Unfortunately they are not the small ones. Still once they are done, it won't take long to do up the blocks.
It has been great seeing everyone's work.
Keep up the good work.
oh I wished I had one of those old lawn mowers to pop in my garden.........nice work on block E
Hi There!!! I have been looking for a copy of the pattern for 'Gardener's Journal' as well as Anni's book 'Simple Pleasures' somewhere here in the US but no luck so far but I'm not giving up because I adore both of them. However, the reason I stopped by to leave you a note was to tell you that I laughed out loud when I saw your Grandfather's mower because when I was a little girl, I used to mow our very, very large yard with a mower almost identical to yours in the photo...except ours was red. Ah...memories, LOL. Really fun memories! Thanks for sharing the photo. Hugs...
I would have kept it, too...Your stitching is excellent.
Mama Bear
Oh,great old lawn mower,both of them,of course! Love you trees with the pretty fabrics:-)
Go Kayly! Thanks for sharing your mower photo...it's a true classic. You're on the downhill slide now...keep up the great work xxx
Yes, it was another time and another world with that lawn mower. Your Orchard looks nice. I am in the middle of mine too.
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