I have no reason, just an excuse...the 2016/17 school year is finally over...yesterday! Yippee! Today we celebrate Canada Day...Happy 150th Birthday for all the Canadians out there!
So this is my story, I cannot for the life of me decide what fabrics I want to use for this lovely quilt. What a predicament to be in. I'm pondering french general reds or Primitive Gathering blues... I'm sure Chookyblue is voting for the later and to be honest I'm leaning to the latter myself just because I have more in that stash and its always good to get 'brownie points' with Chooky. LOL
Anyways, I'm Holly from Newmarket, Ontario. I first met Michelle a couple of years ago when I came to visit your amazingly beautiful country Down Under. Chookyblue and Susan set up a lunch date with me and unbeknownst to me they had over 20 ladies out that day. I will not try to remember all who came out as I am sure to leave one out and that just would not be nice of me. It was so overwhelmingly awesome! Michelle came with her original Cottage Holly quilt and what an honor that was. I am very excited to see how mine will turn out using only two colors of fabric. Should be interesting. I think blue would be nice as it represents the chilly days we have here in Canada. Although red would be nice as it is a traditional Christmas color. Oh the decisions we are faced with as quilters. LOL I had better decide quickly though, the clock is ticking and if THE WHIP is still long enough I'm going to be hurting. teehee!
Thank you to Fiona, Raewyn, Chookyblue and Susan for running this SAL once again. I promise to behave.
All posts need a picture so I hope you don't mind me sharing this one with you although it has nothing to do with our SAL. Lots of flying geese and hst's. Phew eh?! I was so happy with how accurately they all went together.
I made this not only to honor Canada's 150th birthday but also in honour of my late Father who was a Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for my friend who just retired from the RCMP, and for my 2 Aunts and 2 Uncles who served in the Royal Canadian Air Force and for my best friends son who is currently in the Royal Canadian Army. God Bless you all!