Well done to all those who have met the deadline or are ever so close to the finish line...I still can't see the finish line although I know it is there somewhere and I am still plodding along working my way towards it...I have no intention of abandoning this quilt I've just not been able to dedicate as much time to it as I would have liked...
Status at the deadline (yes I'm working on Canada deadline time!)...
These blocks are appliqued and the stitchery is done - doesn't look like it in the photo but with one strand of floss the embroidery doesn't photograph well...
These blocks need the stitchery parts - the suitcase stitchery has been started it just doesn't show up in the pic (one strand + close colour = not good photography subject)
Applique to be finished...or even started...the designs are all traced on the back but the faeries haven't been doing a very good job of getting the back basting done...Chooky the answer is this many!...
The strips and squares for the top construction... prepped at the start ...
I'm hoping to get some more of the applique and stitchery done over the next two weeks - I'll be taking the project box on the road with me as I travel up to a friend's in northern New South Wales...of course I can't stitch and drive but as I'm taking two days to drive up and 2-3 days to drive home I'll need some hand stitching to while away the overnight stay hours...let's see if I manage to get any more done...
Happy Stitching...
Hello back - hang in there - Im sure you'll get it done.
keep going Annette.....not that much more to do and you have all the block joiners cut and ready to start sewing.........enjoy your trip.......
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