I've been playing around sorting out the blog.............updating the sidebar etc........emailed a few people to see if they are making any progress..............finding my way around in the new look blogger dashboard.......sent a few feedbacks re the new style....(any issues send feedback - from the dashboard click on the wheel/cog in the top right corner)
.....for people who manage a group blog it isn't so good on that page as in telling you how many people are members now and to add people it doesn't look like you can get into your email contacts from there either.............
Just discovered that the SAL blog was changed to only people who were members or something like that to view so I have changed it back to "anyone"..........sorry if you haven't been able to look.............
Hope to get some more blocks traced today..........
cloudy and drab here so will stay chilly again...........
Great to see all the fantastic progress.......
.....a few of the other projects from the book popping up and they look great.......
aNd if your a bit behind..............get moving i'm cracking the whip....I want to see progress on the TTS and for those on the GJ bust a move..........not long til the end now...........
off to crack the whip on my own SAL.......
Happy stitching............Chookyblue
Feeling happy I don't manage a group blog right now, all sounds a bit daunting. Great work Chooky. Tracee xx
yes Chooky,u had better stitching :)))
what's the meaning of the P besides some names on the side bar?
1P.... hmmm...
I've just started a group blog Chooky, I noticed that another thing that happens is when a member clicks on the invitation email link the blog reverts back to Invited readers only, bit frustrating as then I get emails from people saying they can't view the blog.
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